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 ドローンの制限が厳しくて色々調べましたが、 制限を守っても意外と行ける場所がありますね。 参考になったページはこれでした! https://droneagent.jp/flights/airport-law 空港だとしても上空の制限が厳しいだけで40m以下の空中は意外と行けるところが多いし、ちょっと山の方向に行くだけでもかなり行ける場所が増えます。 やはり街の中は厳しいけど「海じゃないとダメ」とかの噂だけでは間違ってしまうと思うのでご参考に!

Android Rooting App

  Android rooting app Easy to use rooting just run app, but can not support recent devices. KingRoot Android https://kingroot.jp.malavida.com/android/ KingoRoot Android https://kingo-root.jp.malavida.com/android/ Towelroot Android https://towelroot.jp.malavida.com/android/ adb adb shell dumpsys dumpsys command(jp)

Oracle DDL - Lowy knowledgebase

  Database Link Create database link using tnsnames.ora file create [public] database link GIIPDB connect to GIIPADMIN identified by " GIIPPWD " using ' GIIPDBTNS ' ; tnsnames.ora GIIPDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = giipdb.littleworld.net)(PORT = 1984)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = GIIPDB) ) ) Table Create Table create table < tablename > ( Field1 varchar ( 100 ) , Field2 number ( 10 ) ) tablespace USR_D01 ; Copy table create table < tablename > tablespace USR_D01 as select * from < tablenameorg > ; Change table name ALTER TABLE TAB_A RENAME TO TAB_B; Add Constraint(PK, Primary Key) Find primary key from original table select OWNER, CONSTRAINT_NAME, TABLE_NAME from all_constraints where CONSTRAINT_TYPE = ' P ' and TABLE_NAME = ' <tablename> ' ; Add primary key alter table < tablename > add constraint < tablename > _PK primary key ( < Field1 >...

ORACLE Management Knowledge

Product detail Product by edition and additional products(jp) https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E16338_01/license.112/b56284/editions.htm#CJACGHEB Management Start and stop Starting Oracle service Switching Oracle Account root@localhost#>su - oracle execute sqlplus oracle@localhost$>sqlplus / as sysdba start oracle instance SQL>startup exit from sqlplus SQL>quit startup listener oracle@localhost$>lsnrctl start referral docs kr :  https://mkil.tistory.com/336 Stop oracle service su - oracle change oracle account emctl stop dbconsole Stop oracle enterprise manager lsnrctl stop Stop listener sqlplus / as sysdba Login sqlplus shutdown immediate shutdown oracle process when waiting exist connection shutdown abort shutdown oracle process aborting all connection use when take too long time on  shutdown immediate  command Delete log files Listner log delete $ adrci adrci > show homepath adrci > show control adrci > purge -age 50000 -type alert -aget 50000 : 50...


String SUBSTR(Substring, left, right) /* if you want using left */ select SUBSTR( ' mystr ' , 1 , 3 ) from dual; -- result : mys /* if you want using right */ select SUBSTR( ' mystr ' , - 3 ) from dual; -- result : str /* if you want using substring */ select SUBSTR( ' mystr ' , 3 , 2 ) from dual; -- result : st replace(sourcetext, findstr, replacestr) select REPLACE( ' mystr ' , ' s ' , ' o ' ) from dual; -- result : myotr Like including  _  character select * from all_tables where table_name like ' TBL \_ % ' ; Math mod select mod( 10 , 7 ) from dual; -- result : 3 Others Find String from Procedure source SELECT * FROM ALL_SOURCE WHERE TEXT LIKE ' %EVENTSTRING% ' ORDER BY TYPE, NAME, LINE ; Japanese Traditional datetime https://www.shift-the-oracle.com/sql/functions/to_date.html SQL > select to_char( SYSDATE , ' EEDL ' , ' NLS_CALENDAR= ' ' JAPANESE IMPER...