Database Link Create database link using tnsnames.ora file create [public] database link GIIPDB connect to GIIPADMIN identified by " GIIPPWD " using ' GIIPDBTNS ' ; tnsnames.ora GIIPDB = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1984)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = GIIPDB) ) ) Table Create Table create table < tablename > ( Field1 varchar ( 100 ) , Field2 number ( 10 ) ) tablespace USR_D01 ; Copy table create table < tablename > tablespace USR_D01 as select * from < tablenameorg > ; Change table name ALTER TABLE TAB_A RENAME TO TAB_B; Add Constraint(PK, Primary Key) Find primary key from original table select OWNER, CONSTRAINT_NAME, TABLE_NAME from all_constraints where CONSTRAINT_TYPE = ' P ' and TABLE_NAME = ' <tablename> ' ; Add primary key alter table < tablename > add constraint < tablename > _PK primary key ( < Field1 >...